Monday, May 23, 2011

Coming to the End

The end of school has finally arrived.  There's nothing left but movies, last minute make up, and just chilling out.  As we come to the end we come to stop and ponder.  I really made this many friends!  I miss some old friends.  I can't believe how easy or hard that class was.  Summer is the time every teenager or kid looks forward to.  No more homework, teachers or classes.  You get to sleep in and hang with your friends more.  You get to pary all night and sleep all day.  Here's an interesting question though.  How long will that last?  You can only have so many parties and all nighters.  Soon your friends are working and so are you.  You may be working more then you did during school.  Soon people say, how much they miss school.  Not for the classes or anything like that.  They miss it because they miss their friends.  They miss being able to see them as often as they did.  Spending more time with them and having something to do during the day.  Lets face it, without school, some of us don't know what to do with our time.  So as we come to the end let me say this.  Treasure the time you have left.  Enjoy time well spent with your friends at lunch or in between classes.  It may not seem like much now, but in the long run, but those small moments are what make life worth living.

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