Tuesday, June 14, 2011


 While watching cartoons today Looney Tunes came on.  While watching that show I couldn't help but imagine how great life would be as a looney tune.  After all, you wouldn't ever need to be in a hospital  or visit a doctor for that matter.  You would always be goofing off with friends and not having any responsabilities.  Also, one of the more fun things to do, you get to blow things up!  You can drop a piano, anvil, or airplane on someone and they would still be okay.  Be a great way to get rid of some stress in my opinion.  Oh man, being a looney tune would be the best job in the world and would definatley be part of my dream life. 

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Stress means means many things.  It can be caused by deadlines, tests, homework, work, interviews, friends, family, relationships, the list is endless.  Most stress, when thought through logically, can be easily preventable.  Stress can be prevented by being prepared, not thinking about it too much, letting it solve itself if possible, preparing, not letting it bug you, and a million other things.  I know it's easier said then done, but if we think about it, it shouldn't be all that hard.  Stress is needed in some circumstances, but it's so overly exaggerated people get freaked out.  Yes, I am guilty of this, but it would be easier if people wouldn't stress over every little thing.  It's not worth it!  Plus it's summer!  Stop stressing and start relaxing!

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Summer is a season.  Summer is a time for kids and teens to catch up on sleep and relax from the homework.  Summer is also a time to work on your tans, or recover from sunburns (speaking from experience now).  Teens get jobs and are driving around to work, friends, and out to everywhere and anywhere.  Summer is a new sense of freedom.  Seniors getting packed for college, Juniors are getting ready for their relaxing year as a Seniors, and finally Sophmores.  Sophmores are getting ready for the fun that is Junior year.  We enjoy the time we have free as we dread going back to school.  Summer is also one of the shortest seasons.  I know, not really, but it feels like the shortest season ever.  That's why everyone must make their summers last and very memorable.  Once they're gone, they're gone.  Enjoy the time you have free this summer!  Make it last, before time runs out.