Saturday, January 21, 2012


Wow, it has been a while.  Sorry, school's just been keeping me so busy I haven't really had the time to update anything.  I promise I'll start getting more on top of it. 
Anyway, these past few weeks have just been hard.  Loads of stuff I have been having to deal with half of it school, the other half work.  So let's see where to begin....
Lets just start off with school.  Well I took Precalculas thinking, it won't be too bad.  Just a little harder than Algebra 2 right?  Wrong big time! My teacher did warn us at the begining of the year you needed a B average to pass Precal; I got a C average.  First term wasn't too bad, I managed a C.  Second term, on the other hand, was a D-.  Want to know how I managed to borderline pass?  I'll tell you.  The last test of the term, I was super confident I can totally pass!  I had an F from the previous test I compleatly failed.  This test all I needed was a 50% to pass.  The test finished and I was feeling less than confident.  I knew I could at least get a D on it.  On Sunday my teacher posted the scores.  I sacanned down so very eagerly to find my score.  There it was, 37%.  My heart sank, I had failed Precal.  I was crushed.  I logged off waiting for my mom to see it.  My brother is the first person I saw.  I told him to come over so I could show him and ask him what Mom would do to me when she found out.  I logged back in and there it was a D-!  It went up!  I was so happy!  I passed, just barely, but still passed Precalculas!
So with one tragedy down time for the other one to begin.  Last Friday I was on my way to work at JCW's.  I walk in to the back room where our assignments are for the day.  I look the list over a couple times and notice my name's not there.  So I go find my boss to see if it was just a mistake or if I wasn't supposed to come in today.  I find him and he says,"Go out and wait for me I need to talk to you."  So I went to sit in one of the booths.  My heart was racing, all I could think about was one word.  Fired.  I sat and waited patiently trying not to let the fear show on my face.  My boss comes out and sits down. 
"Now as you know we have been having allot of employees asking for more hours when there aren't any to give.  Chris and Clay have told me that we need to lay people off.  Taylor, we are going to have to let you go."  My heart sank, me being an easy crier when it came to bad news like this couldn't help but shed a little tear.  He went on to say how I was improving and how I needed to come in and collect one more check on the 26th.  He then asked if I had any questions.  Through the tears I tried to manage a smile and said, " Know anywhere that't hiring?"  He smiled and suggested Subway and other than that he didn't know.  I left with tears overflowing in my eyes. 
So if you know anywhere that is hiring in the Pleasant Grove, Lindon, and or American Fork area, please let me know as soon as possible.  Thanks. 
Everyone's got trials, but not everyone can overcome them.

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