Monday, September 12, 2011


In honor of yesterday being September 11 and it being it's 10th anniversary I have decided to make up for what I didn't do yesterday. 
This goes out to all those who have lost loved ones or dear friends when the towers came down.  To those that lost someone at the Pentigon and for those knowing the brave souls of the members who took back control of the plane that went down in Pennsilvania.  I heart goes out for you.  Everytime I watch those documentaries or first hand tapes and seeing the reactions of those in New York I feel I'm watching it for the first time again and again.  Everyone has their own stories to tell and everyone takes it differently and it's just so fasinating.
When I see those people jump I want to scream at the top of my lungs "Don't do it!"  Sadly I can do nothing to stop them.  I couldn't have then, and I can't now. 
Knowing all those brave officers and firemen who gave their lives to save the people trapped in those buildings expecting death I grow a whole new level of respect for them.  Those that made it out should be heros.  Those that were not so lucky, should be awarded just the same. 
Those who lost their lives for someone else to live on are true heros and have gone above and beyond the call of duty.  They may have been lost to the towers, but they will never be forgotten as long as we never forget September 11, 2001. 

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